Friday, December 19, 2008

A Not So Relaxing Break

This week has been the type of vacation that I need a vacation from. Pretty much, it's stressed me out more than finals week.

Let's car, no phone, almost no computer...anything else I can lose that will isolate me from the rest of the world? Well, apparently I'm workin on it.

Tonight is one of those nights. I want to cry and scream and laugh all at the same time.

Well, looks like I just lost one of my cds too. I'm listening to music right now, and my cd just started skipping like crazy. And of course, it's one of my favorites. Normally, I would be very annoyed and I might have even yelled at the stupid thing. But instead, I'm laughing. I'm alone in my apartment and I'm just sitting on the couch, laughing. You know what? Bring it on.
Bring it on, world. I can take it. Take me to hell in a handbasket. There are still worse things that could happen.

Oh, and by the way roommates, if any of you are reading this, Melissa and Jill's bathroom lights are burned out, all of the lights except one are burned out in my room, and I'm pretty sure there are some other ones that have burned out, too. Oh, and the sink that me and the Megans share was leaking earlier this week. Ha. Hahaha. My life is soooooo great!!!

You know what though? I'm still looking at this with a positive attitude. It's been a pretty good learning experience for me. I've learned that life is like dominoes. If one things falls, it doesn't stop there. There's a whole chain reaction of things falling over. Life goes great for a while, then bam, several million things hit you all at once. Whoohoo! That's why I say, bring it on, world. I'm going to hell in a handbasket. And I'm going to enjoy the ride.

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