Friday, May 29, 2009

Blah blah blah...

Summer is officially here. I work at subway. I will barely be able to pay for rent, let alone school. My roommates are fun, but I'm secretly having a hard time adjusting. I became a little more attached my old roommates than I would have liked.

Mandy stopped by today to pick up her stuff finally, and to casually mention that she was moving to Missouri. She might have been sad to say goodbye, but I could tell she is happy. She's happily married and willing to go wherever her husband goes.

Well, after all is said and done, all of us roommates from Continental are going our seperate ways. That makes me sad, and a little frustrated, which is weird since I'm usually the one who can't wait to get away.

Anyway. This summer will be fun, but I still have this nagging feeling of discontent at the back of my mind. I've been carrying it with me ever since I can remember. Nothing feels right, really. Like I'm not doing the right things, or focusing on the right things. or something. I don't know. I don't know what I want.

It's not that I'm complaining about my life, or that I'm trying to sound ungrateful. Believe me, I know I am one blessed kid. And I want to look for things to be happy about. But...there's something there. Something that needs to happen. Something I have to do.

I guess that doesn't make any sense.