Thursday, October 30, 2008

Math 1050 - blog assignment

The graph of f(x) = ax is a horizontal asymptote is positive, and passes through the point (0,1).


Anonymous said...

Dear Chari,
Great! You are so smart. But I have one question for you... what exactly does your average variable "x" stand for? Fruitcake? Men who fall from the sky? Number of unwanted phonecalls? It is a question which has always troubled me. Please, will you help me find the answer and save me from the woes of a confused life?

Char Char said...

Dear confused,

the variable "x" can stand for anything you want it to. For the sake of this conversation,
let x=the number of men falling from the sky, and y = the resulting number of dates Melissa gets.

So, if Melissa showers only twice a week, we can say y = 2x +3, and if we graph that on a cartesian plane, we'll find the answer is zero.

Thank you,
The Management.